relic hunter

Leaving an Impression (The Good Kind)

  • February 21, 2015

I have been tossing around this idea of developing a one-pager to leave with potential permissions. Do any of you have something that you have developed? I thought of creating a business card, but what can a business card really tell you about a person who wants permission to dig up your property? (Because--essentially--that is what we are all asking for.) I was doing some research on the metal detecting code of ethics--which I preach about on a regular basis. I happened upon this version by White's Electronics: Be a good ambassador for other detectorists by following this code of ethics for respecting...

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Metal Detecting Aspirations

  • November 18, 2014

My family thinks I'm nuts. After all, I am only twenty-six. When they envision a metal detecting hobbyists, they envision some retiree in his early sixties sweeping the beach for spare change. Perhaps in some past life, I was a sixty-something retiree because the prospect of metal detecting is probably the most exciting idea I've had of late--apart from putting my kids in daycare for two more days a week. That was pretty revolutionary. I have been labeled an old soul by strangers, friends, and family.What can I say? I like old stuff. My family playfully suggests that my house is more like...

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